What is nuclear waste and what are the challenges of handling it? | Explained

La Excellence IAS Academy

What is nuclear waste and what are the challenges of handling it? | Explained

Current Affairs Daily Editorials

La Excellence IAS Academy | March 13, 2024 | Science and Technology

Syllabus: GS-III, Subject: Science and Technology, Topic: Nuclear technology, Issue: Challenges in handling nuclear waste

Context: Recently India loaded the core of its prototype fast breeder reactor vessel.

Nuclear waste:

  • Generated during fission reactions in reactors when certain atoms absorb neutrons and produce radioactive elements that cannot undergo further fission.

Challenges in handling nuclear waste

  • High temperature and radioactivity of nuclear waste require underwater storage initially and later transfer to dry casks.
  • Long-term storage of nuclear waste can span millennia, necessitating isolation from human contact.
  • Treating and storing liquid waste to prevent environmental contamination.
  • Concerns with reprocessing of nuclear waste– it separates fissile from non-fissile materials in spent fuel but also yields weapons-usable plutonium.
  • Other Issues with nuclear waste management include containment failures, maintenance challenges, and uncertainties in treatment processes.
  • Waste management adds to the cost of nuclear power generation.

Nuclear waste management in India

  • India has reprocessing facilities in Trombay, Tarapur, and Kalpakkam.
  • India carry on-site management of low and intermediate-level waste generated at nuclear power stations.

Source: The Hindu

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