Charting a path for the population committee
Charting a path for the population committee
Current Affairs Daily Editorials
La Excellence IAS Academy | February 9, 2024 | Society and Social Justice
Syllabus: GS-I
Subject: Society and Social Justice
Topic: Population and associated issues
Issue: Emography of India
Context: The announcement in the interim Budget of a “high-powered committee to extensively consider the challenges arising from rapid population growth and demographic changes”.
India’s demographic landscape presents both opportunities and challenges for the country’s socio-economic development.
Tasks in front of the Committee:
- addressing issues such as family planning, maternal and child health, education, employment, and socio-economic development.
Past, present and future of India’s demography:
- increase in economic growth because of its demographic advantage comprising of:
- decreasing Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
- increasing working age population
- steady rise of elderly population
- decrease in the dependency ratio (increase in life expectancy
- Health, education, employment challenges:
- Public spending on health has remained around 1% of GDP
- investments in education and skill development are crucial
- The disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have amplified these challenges in health, education and skill gaps
- Challenges to policy making in India – Data driven approach:
- the non-availability of current and reliable data on the population for evidence-based policymaking.
- regular and comprehensive national censuses and surveys are crucial for collecting demographic data.
- Independent audits, data validation exercises, and peer review processes can help identify and rectify data errors and inconsistencies.
Data Point:
1. According to UNICEF, nearly 47% of Indian youth may lack the necessary education and skills for employment by 2030. 2. India’s TFR projected to touch 1.73 in 2031-35 from 2.5 in 2009-11 |
Prelims Connect:
Total Fertility Rate (TFR): the average number of children that a woman would have over her childbearing years (i.e. age 15-49), based on current birth trends. Dependency Ratio: the ratio between working (14 to 65 yrs old) and non-working population (0-14 yrs old and over 65yrs old). |
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