Macron backs ‘end of life’ bill, aims for parliament debate in May.

La Excellence IAS Academy

Macron backs ‘end of life’ bill, aims for parliament debate in May.

Current Affairs Daily Articles & Editorials

La Excellence IAS Academy | March 12, 2024 | Indian Polity

Syllabus: GS-II, Subject: Polity, Topic: Rights Issues, Issue: End of life bill

Context: President Emmanuel Macron said that he backed new end-of-life legislation.

  • He said he did not want to call the new legislation euthanasia or assisted suicide, but rather “help to die”.


  • Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve pain and suffering.

There are two main types of euthanasia:

  • Active euthanasia is when a doctor or other medical professional takes steps to deliberately end a patient’s life, such as by lethal injection.
  • Passive euthanasia is when a doctor allows a patient to die by withholding or withdrawing treatment, such as stopping life support.

Euthanasia in India:

  • Aruna Shanbaug case(2011):
    • The Supreme Court recognized passive euthanasia and allowed withdrawal of life support for terminally ill patients who cannot make informed decisions.
  • Common Cause v Union of India(2018):
    • The Supreme Court recognised the right to die with dignity as a fundamental right and prescribed guidelines for terminally ill patients to enforce the right.
    • In 2023 the Supreme Court modified the guidelines to make the right to die with dignity more accessible.

Source: The Hindu

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