New 3D map of universe hints at nature of dark energy

La Excellence IAS Academy

New 3D map of universe hints at nature of dark energy

Current Affairs Daily Editorials

La Excellence IAS Academy | April 10, 2024 | Science and Technology

Syllabus: GS-III, Subject: Science & Technology, Topic: Space Technology, Issue: Astronomical concepts

Context: DESI experiment

Details of Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) experiment:

  • DESI has 5,000 robotic ‘eyes’ capturing light from galaxies simultaneously.
  • DESI has observed 6 million galaxies, dating back as far as 11 billion years, creating a detailed three-dimensional map of the universe.

Significance of DESI experiment:

  • Precise measurements of galaxy distances have allowed scientists to map their distribution and movement over time.
  • DESI data suggests that the expansion rate of the universe is increasing at 68.5 km per second for every 3.26 million light years of expansion.
  • Some findings from DESI hint at changes in the energy density of dark energy, challenging established theoretical models.


  • DESI’s ongoing analysis of subsequent years’ data may provide further insights into dark energy and the fundamental physics of the universe.
Prelims Connect (Terms in news)

Dark Energy:

·                 Edwin Hubble’s observations in 1929 confirmed the universe’s expansion.

·                 In the late 1990s, scientists discovered the universe’s expansion was accelerating.

·                 This discovery led to the hypothesis of “dark” energy, explaining the accelerated expansion.

·                 Dark energy is thought to constitute nearly 70% of the universe.

Source: Indian Express

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